Rose Revel, You’re favorite Certified Astrocartographer here!
Are you looking to validate your past experiences in the places you’ve been, investigate more supportive places for you to live and thrive in your current season of life, or are you looking to travel somewhere super fun and interesting? Maybe you’re just looking to figure out ways to remotely activate more supportive stories.
Let’s explore your unique Astrocartography Map together!

hey y'all!

I am a Modern, Western Astrologer. I use Whole Sign and Helenistic Techniques.
I started hard-core studying Astrocartography in May of 2024 when Helena Woods released her ACG Certification Course, however, my fascination with Astrocartrography started about 2 years prior after stumbling onto some of Helena's content. 
On a more personal note - I'm an animal lover. My love (the most wonderful, kind, AMAZING woman) and I have two pups, two outside cats (since we are both allergic) and one day lots of horses!

About me

Astrocartography is the astrology of place! It's not your general astrology - it's specific to YOU! Your ACG Map is created using Your Birth Date, Your EXACT Birth Time and Place of Birth! Your Map shows us all of the stories available for you to unlock around the world! Whether you want to move, travel or use remote activation - Astrocartography is such a valuable tool in creating the life of your dreams!


~ Rowan Twosisters

"Y'all this was HELPFULL! First, I had no idea that this was even a thing. 2nd) What we looked at: I go on writing retreats and learning intensives, largely structured by me, for me. Where do I get the highest ROI, what places allow me to throw off social constraints and deep dive into my next learning next? Cause what is the point of taking time off work and leveling up, if the up isn't that UP? 

"Y'all this was HELPFULL! First, I had no idea that this was even a thing. 2nd) What we looked at: I go on writing retreats and learning intensives, largely structured by me, for me. Where do I get the highest ROI, what places allow me to throw off social constraints and deep dive into my next learning next? Cause what is the point of taking time off work and leveling up, if the up isn't that UP? Other ways to use AstroCartography: Which college offers the most learning potential, what will be the challenges socially, learning environment, and staying committed to my goals. What about choosing a school for my elementary and middle schoolers? Applying to a high school? And for sure buying a house or relocating to a new state, new city, new street? Buying a car, negotiating any big deal.
Location Location location - You want to know! Ask your charts, and ask Rose!"


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